Hypnosis for Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. It can include a fear of being judged by others or a fear of embarrassment. This type of anxiety can cause people to avoid social situations altogether. We all face some degree of social anxiety at certain points in our lives.…

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Can Hypnosis Cure Fear of Flying?

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A fear of flying (also known as aviophobia) is a fear of being on an airplane. It is one of the most common phobias, affecting up to 25% of people. A fear of flying can be debilitating, making it difficult or impossible to travel by plane. In addition, the fear of flying can cause significant…

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Importance of Hypnotic Suggestion


Hypnosis is most useful when the suggestion part is conducted properly. While many hypnotists focus on putting patients into a deeper hypnotic state, it becomes useless when the suggestion part is ignored. The best hypnotic suggestions are those that are realistic, actionable, specific, and useful in achieving the intended outcome. But what can go wrong…

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Hypnosis and Quitting Cold Turkey

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There are habits that can be quite difficult to break. One such habit is smoking. What you have here is something that affects people from all over the world, regardless of age, gender, or fitness level. Quitting smoking is easier said than done It’s considered as a major issue across continents and regardless of the…

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Hypnosis: Debunking the Misconceptions and Myths

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Therapists and clients alike can be skeptical about the value of hypnosis. We can’t really blame them when there’s been negative stereotypes surrounding the subject. People occasionally associate hypnotism with black-and-white spirals and swinging pocket watches –– and then being put into a state of mind in which they have no control. Hypnosis has nothing…

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The Truth about the Scientific Basis of Hypnosis

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Some people doubt the scientific basis of hypnosis due to how it is often portrayed on television shows and films – the person administering the action swinging a pocket watch in front of a client’s face until they come into a state wherein they will do whatever you tell them to. This is not what…

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Is Hypnosis Successful for Weight Loss?


An emerging method for weight loss is making its way to the health and fitness scene. What if someone told you that you can use hypnosis for weight loss? You read it right: hypnosis. The intriguing approach to fitness offers many benefits to those who are struggling to shed extra pounds. Hypnosis involves putting a…

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Can Hypnosis Help Break Bad Habits

bad habits

A bad habit is defined as “an acquired behavior pattern that is repetitive and usually associated with a negative consequence” (source). In other words, it’s a behavior that we’ve learned over time and that typically has some sort of negative outcome. Some common bad habits include: Smoking Overeating Biting nails Hair pulling Procrastinating Gambling Shopping…

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How Hypnosis Really Works?

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Do you not have a thorough understanding of hypnosis? Do you want to learn more about what it is and how it can help you to improve your lifestyle? In this blog post, we’ll cover all of the critical questions that hypnotherapy no longer has to be misunderstood. Carry on reading to find out more…

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Hypnosis for Weight Loss

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Hypnosis for Weight Loss Everybody has personal struggles that they deal with on a daily basis. And one of the most common issues a number of people face involves excess weight. These days, countless fads, trends, products, and promises have gone mainstream; all of which promise to finally end the fight with fat but sadly,…

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