Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

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Quitting smoking is quite a challenge. However, it would be one of the best things that you can do for your own good. Smoking is harmful to your health and it is a deadly habit. It is known as the leading cause of cancer. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung disease, strokes, heart attacks,…

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What Conditions Can Hypnosis Treat

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Hypnosis involves suggestions for relaxation. The therapist can give verbal cues to encourage a trance or calm state, where patients are invited to think of specific thoughts and experiences. They may gradually experience changes in the way they think and feel, which then affects their behavior. To stop smoking Those who want to quit smoking…

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Hypnosis and Memory Recall – Can the Process Help You Retrieve Forgotten Memories?

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Did you know that the belief about hypnosis recalling past memories has been around since ancient times? There were famous psychologists in the past who rallied behind the idea. For one, Pierre Janet, one of the founding fathers of psychology, used hypnosis to help patients recall memories they have forgotten due to a painful past.…

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Can Hypnosis Rewire the Brain?

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Our brain is indeed powerful. It can adapt to different changes in our body and life circumstances. And as long as we live, it will continue to change and develop on its own. Experts have not yet determined the full extent of our brain’s abilities. One of them is the ability of the brain to…

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Can Hypnosis Be Used to Stop Smoking?

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Various studies indicate that hypnosis can be effectively used as a means of stopping smoking, as long as it is properly performed by an experienced hypnotherapist. This method allows a person to enter a deeply relaxed state, wherein the mind is more accepting to new ideas and suggestions. The hypnotherapist could help the client quit…

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Managing Weight Loss Through Hypnosis

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In the many years I’ve assisted people using hypnosis, one of the many issues I’ve helped people address are those surrounding weight loss. Besides quitting smoking, this is the single most reoccurring reason people request hypnosis consulting in my office. I’ve discovered that balancing ones busy work schedule, and maintaining a healthy focus on taking…

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Can Hypnosis Make You Rich: Obstacles & Solutions

Lady Smiling

Can hypnosis make you rich? That’s a question that many people ask, but the answer may surprise you. While hypnosis cannot create wealth out of thin air, it can help you change your relationship with money and success, which can ultimately lead to greater abundance in your life. Deciding to become wealthy is the first…

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Hypnotism for Smoking: Does it Work for Quitting Smoking?

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Smoking is a huge problem across America and the wider world today. We now know how dangerous smoking can be, we’re aware of all of the health implications of even short-term cigarette smoking, and we know how it could hinder both our quality of life, and life expectancy. But, while many of us want to…

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Can Hypnosis Cure Common Illnesses?

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The human brain is an incredibly powerful tool. Not only is it capable of processing thousands of pieces of information in the space of a few seconds; it can also manage pain, control emotions, and much more in between. Our hypnosis services in Houston work by tapping into particular parts of the subconscious to allow…

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Can You Really Hypnotize a Person?

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It’s hardly surprising that many people are skeptical as to whether hypnosis is real or not. People mainly associate hypnosis with stage shows and others making a fool of themselves. However, this is only a tiny proportion of what hypnosis actually is and the answer to the question ‘can you really hypnotize a person?’ is,…

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